6 Helpful Tick Control Measures to Keep You Safe

Unfortunately, warmer weather equates to more time outdoors. But this also means opening yourself up to predators. One of them is a pest called ticks. They are super tiny, but they wreak havoc on your health. They transmit Lyme disease, which results in ugly rashes, nausea, joint issues and muscle pain. Instead of getting ticked off by ticks, find ways to prevent tick bites. Prioritize tick control so they don't infiltrate your yard, house, pets, and body. Check out these helpful tips below:

1. Clean Up a Messy Yard

Clean up your yard because its serves as the perfect breeding ground for ticks. Your primary line of defense is to reduce their habitat around your home, ensuring less exposure. Take note of the following:
 Trim bushes
 Mow grass short
 Rake dead leaves
 Clear out branches
 Compost leaf litter

A neat lawn that receives routine maintenance deter ticks from setting up their habitat. For best results, set a regular cleaning and lawn care schedule.

2. Use a Store-Bought Tick Control Tube

As the name suggests, these tick control tubes work to kill ticks. Buy several pieces and place them in strategic areas around your property. These biodegradable tubes contain permethrin, which is an insecticide. It affects the pests' nervous system, causing paralysis and death. Fret not because these are more toxic for insects than people and pets. The reason is insects can't break down the compound properly.

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3. Spray with Cedar Oil

If you want a gentler tick killer, you can spray your yard with all-natural cedar oil. Unlike chemical pesticides that also kill important pollinators like bees, this oil will not. Just follow the manufacturer's instructions when you mix it. Most of all, you should complement this with other tick preventive methods.

4. Place a Barrier Around the Property

Fencing your yard is an effective way to keep other animals out. Often, a stray cat, dog, deer, or racoon will come in. Unfortunately, ticks often latch onto them. Thus, keep them off your property. Another option is using gravel or wood chips to create a three-foot-wide barrier. Keep this in between your lawn and a possible tick-infested area like tall grass, shrubs, or the woods. The physical block will keep ticks at bay.

5. Inspect Pet Skin

Often, ticks will enter your home by latching onto your fur-babies. Thus, you must make it a point to inspect them after they play outdoors. If they roll around in tick territory, they will get infected. If you suspect something is awry, follow these measures:
1. Use a tweezers to grab the tick that’s latched onto the skin.
2. Pull the tick gently, being careful not to squeeze to prevent disease.
3. Drop the tick on a small Ziplock with alcohol to kill it.
4. Dab disinfectant on the bitten area and repeat until all the ticks are gone.

6. Use a Tick Repellent

When you play outdoors, you must also protect yourself by using a tick repellent. Applying permethrin on your clothes and shoes instead of your skin will also work. If you feel concerned about DEET, organic products on the skin also work like the oil of lemon eucalyptus. For best results, contact a pest control specialist to treat ticks if you constantly notice them on your property.


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